Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy announced that a probe into the Kaleshwaram scam will be conducted by a sitting High Court judge. He called on former Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao to submit a ‘confession statement’ and apologize to the people of Telangana. Revanth believes that if Harish Rao reveals who pressured him to approve the Medigadda Barrage, the probe can proceed more smoothly.
During a discussion in the Assembly on the ‘White Paper’, the Chief Minister criticized the Kaleshwaram project as a ‘black mark’ in history. He stated that the decisions made by the previous government led to Telangana becoming financially strained. Revanth challenged Harish Rao’s arguments on the project, citing a committee report from 2015 that recommended a different approach.
The committee of engineers recommended reducing the Full Reservoir Level (FRL) of the barrage to avoid submerging more land than necessary. They also suggested exploring alternative locations for the project. The committee advised against constructing a barrage near Medigadda due to high costs and time consumption.
Revanth also questioned the silence of former Home Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy, referring to her as ‘Chevella Chellemma’. He urged her to correct Harish Rao’s statements during debates.