The Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, led a group of MLAs, MLCs, and ministers on an official visit to Medigadda. However, this visit has turned into a political issue as the BRS organized a public meeting in Nalgonda at the same time. BRS chief KCR claimed that the Chief Minister’s visit was a distraction from their public meeting, while Revanth Reddy accused KCR of trying to divert attention from his government’s efforts to expose the previous BRS government’s irregularities.
Revanth Reddy stated that the people were observing the situation. He also highlighted that the visit to Medigadda revealed the connection between the BRS and BJP, as BJP MLAs refused to join the visit while other parties, including AIMIM, participated. Revanth responded to KCR’s comments about sinking pillars being a minor issue by emphasizing that the previous government spent a significant amount of money on the project and failed to provide water for new agricultural land. He also expressed concerns about the safety of other barrages.
When asked about KCR’s criticism of the Congress resolution, Revanth questioned why KCR did not attend the Assembly to discuss it himself. He accused KCR of putting on a show for sympathy by skipping the Assembly but still attending events like the public meeting in Nalgonda. Revanth held KCR responsible for the problems left behind by the previous BRS government.
Regarding the KRMB, Revanth compared it to an elephant with only its tail remaining and claimed that the government is trying to fix the situation. He suggested that KCR avoided the Assembly because he feared being exposed by the government’s reports. Revanth also mentioned that the government offered KCR a helicopter for the visit to Medigadda, but he declined.
Revanth highlighted a report from the dam safety authority stating that there were issues with the designs and construction of the project. He blamed KCR’s corruption for the sinking of Medigadda and Kaleshwaram. The Chief Minister expressed concern that if water was stored, the barrages would collapse. Revanth accused KCR of seeking sympathy and trying to win the Lok Sabha seat by creating drama.
Revanth announced that a probe into all aspects of the Kaleshwaram project would take place, not just Medigadda. The Irrigation Minister, Uttam Kumar Reddy, added that the government has asked L&T to handle the repair work and that pending bills worth Rs 400 crore have been withheld until then.