With just over a month to go until the Lok Sabha elections in Rangareddy, there is a lack of political fervor in the Chevella constituency. The BJP is lacking enthusiasm, the BRS cadre is facing a decline in morale after their recent Assembly election debacle, and the Congress is struggling with party infighting in several constituencies. Chevella consists of seven out of eight Assembly constituencies in Rangareddy district, and is known for its fast development and high literacy rate.
The urban voters in Chevella outnumber the rural electors, with 56.9% of the voters being urban and 43.1% being rural according to the 2011 Census. Muslim voters make up 15.5% of the vote share, SC voters constitute 14.1%, and STs account for 5.5%. In the recent elections, the BRS won four out of the seven Assembly segments in Chevella, while the Congress gained in three segments. The contest this time is mainly between the Congress and the BJP.
The sitting member of Chevella, Dr. Ranjit Reddy from the BRS, is likely to contest again. However, no party has announced their candidates yet. The BRS leaders and cadre are demoralized after their recent defeat, while the Congress is buoyed by their recent victory in the state elections. Despite the completion of the gram panchayat term and vacant positions, there is a lack of political activity among local leaders and cadre.
Ex-MP Konda Vishweshwar Reddy has been seen at public and social gatherings, while Dr. Ranjit Reddy has been active on Twitter. Voters in Chevella feel disillusioned with political leaders who have failed to fulfill their promises. Ground campaigning is minimal, especially by the Congress, with a weak leadership in Rajendranagar constituency struggling against the BRS. The Congress high command is urged to introduce a suitable face for the party in Rajendranagar to regain lost support.
Overall, there is a lack of political fervor and ground campaigning in the Chevella constituency ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.