Scores of Congress candidates have applied to challenge AIMIM’s Asaduddin Owaisi in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Hyderabad. In the last two elections, Congress received less than 50,000 votes. However, this time they are relying on their success in the Assembly. Some notable candidates who have applied include Sameer Waliullah, Osman Al-Hajri, and K S Anand Rao. Feroz Khan, who lost in the Assembly elections, is also considered a strong contender. Other potential candidates include Ali Masqati. If Congress forms an alliance with MBT, Amjedullah Khan is likely to be their face. Despite only 11 applicants at Gandhi Bhavan, Congress is actively trying to gain support from Muslim leaders in the constituency. Sameer Waliullah, the DCC chief, blames AIMIM for the underdevelopment of Hyderabad and questions Asaduddin Owaisi’s leadership. Osman Al-Hajri has focused on Waqf issues and advocated for Metro Rail development. Anand Rao is a prominent leader for non-Muslim names and hopes to receive a ticket for the Lok Sabha polls. Ali Masqati is a well-known businessman and former TDP leader. Amjedullah Khan is also being considered as a potential candidate. Congress is weighing their options and he is one of them, as he gave a tough fight to AIMIM in the recent polls in Yakutpura.
Owaisi faces limited challengers despite numerous contenders for Cong tickets
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