The State General Secretary of BJP, Chandrashekhar, visited Khammam district on Tuesday. He took part in the Khammam Parliament Pravas Yojana programme, led by Namburi Ramalingeswara Rao, the party’s Parliamentary Convener.
During his speech, Chandrashekhar encouraged party members to focus on winning the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. He emphasized the BJP government’s dedication to helping the underprivileged and emphasized the importance of party leaders being aware of the schemes implemented by the NDA government at the grassroots level.
Chandrashekhar also discussed the achievements of the Modi government over the past nine years. He expressed that the people want Modi’s regime to continue for a better future and highlighted the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya as an example of the BJP fulfilling the aspirations of the people.
Chandrashekhar expressed confidence in the strength of BJP in the state and predicted an increase in the party’s seat count in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. He reiterated that people across the country are anticipating Modi’s return to power.