The panel responsible for restructuring the Dharani portal had a meeting with officials from various departments. This included the Endowments, Wakf Board, and Survey and Settlement departments. The committee discussed different aspects of the portal during these meetings.
On Saturday, the committee held a series of meetings with officials from these departments. Their goal was to prepare and submit an “interim report” to the government before the budget.
During the meeting with Endowments officials, the committee asked for information about the total amount of land under Endowments, steps being taken to protect these lands, and the issues faced by these lands after the launch of the Dharani portal. They also inquired about the measures taken by the Registration and Revenue department to safeguard these lands.
In a separate meeting with Wakf officials, the panel asked about the extent of encroachment on Wakf lands and the current land under the control of the Wakf Board. They also sought information about the notification process for Wakf lands.
During their meeting with Survey and Settlement officials, the committee requested details about the ongoing survey records and whether the Pahani records were uploaded to the Dharani portal. They also asked about any previous surveys conducted by the Congress government and compared the current survey maps with those on the Dharani portal. Additionally, they inquired about the preservation of documents from the Paigahs era.
Overall, these meetings allowed the committee to gather important information and insights regarding the Dharani portal and its impact on various departments.