Transport and BC Welfare Minister Ponnam Prabhakar has instructed officials to organize the Sri Venkateswara Swamy Brahmotsava celebrations in a grand and transparent manner. The minister reviewed the arrangements for the seventh annual Brahmotsavam of Sri Lakshmi, Padmavati Sametha Venkateswara Swamy Temple to be held from February 14 to 21 at Karimnagar Collectorate.
During the review, Minister Ponnam Prabhakar emphasized that the Brahmotsavam should be conducted in a dignified, transparent, and non-political manner. He also requested that every house in the district receive an invitation letter for the celebrations. Former minister Gangula Kamalakar and MP Bandi Sanjay were specifically invited to participate in the Brahmotsavam.
Minister Ponnam Prabhakar donated Rs 5 lakh for the organization of the Brahmotsavams and instructed officials to accurately record all donations and gifts presented by devotees.
To ensure smooth proceedings, the municipal department was directed to take up a special drive to avoid any sanitation or traffic problems during the Shobhayatra. Additionally, officials were instructed to make permanent arrangements for the Sammakka-Saralamma Jatara, which will take place after the Brahmotsavam, instead of temporary arrangements.