Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy delivered a powerful speech in Indravelly, marking the beginning of Congress party’s campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He responded to comments made by BRS leaders K T Rama Rao and T Harish Rao, challenging them to try and bring down his government. Revanth referred to them as ‘Billa and Ranga’ and warned that if they attempted to destabilize his government, the people would take to the streets to protest. He also suggested that former Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao should buy an island and declare himself as the CM there. Revanth expressed confidence that the BRS would not come to power anytime soon.
Revanth emphasized that the Congress government was here to stay for its full term, as the people had given them a mandate to overthrow the ‘autocratic’ rule of KCR. He warned that any attempt to destabilize his government would result in severe consequences for the leaders involved.
The TPCC chief urged the people not to vote for the BRS, stating that every seat won by them would be under the influence of PM Modi. He predicted that the pink party would only be able to secure one or two seats at most.
In his announcement, the Chief Minister revealed that AICC general secretary Priyanka Gandhi would launch a cooking gas scheme worth Rs 500 per cylinder for the poor in the presence of one lakh women. He also stated that 17,000 constable posts would be filled within the next 15 days. The government has already filled 7,000 jobs out of 2 lakh vacancies and is committed to fulfilling its promise of providing employment opportunities.
Revanth criticized the previous government for neglecting the tribal areas and accused them of looting public funds during their 10-year rule. He assured that unlike the BRS, the Congress government would complete all pending projects in Adilabad, including Tummidihatti, Kunta, Sabarmati, and repairs of the Kadem project, to ensure access to water for drinking and agriculture.