Rajendramagar BRS legislator Prakash Goud’s meeting with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has led to speculation that he may join the Congress party soon. The four-time MLA has reportedly made up his mind to join the Congress. During the meeting, Goud was seen wearing a Congress ‘kanduva’, further fueling the speculation that he may defect from BRS to the ruling party.
Goud joined BRS after winning two consecutive elections from Rajendranagar on the Telugu Desam ticket. He then won three elections on the BRS ticket, including the recent one. Sources close to Goud deny any plans to switch parties, stating that the meeting was focused on the development of the constituency. However, skeptics believe that Goud may join the Congress due to the recent setback faced by BRS and to secure his political survival.
Additionally, recent no-confidence motions in several municipalities in Ranga Reddy district, particularly in Manikonda and Bandlaguda Jagir, may have also influenced Goud’s decision. The Congress won three out of eight Assembly constituencies in the district, while BRS maintained a hold over five seats in the recent elections.