On Sunday, Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar inaugurated Anganwadi centers in Gunjal Pahad village, demonstrating his dedication to community welfare. The opening ceremony, which was attended by Rangareddy Zilla Parishad Chairperson Thigala Anitha Reddy, intended to meet the needs of the region’s women and children.
During the event, MLA Shankar made news with a statement calling for a scientific approach to the Gram Panchayat establishment. He highlighted reservations about the previous government’s practices, claiming that the Gram Panchayats were not established methodically and scientifically, resulting in administrative difficulties.
MLA Shankar, who is well-known for his active participation in local development activities, underlined the need to link Gram Panchayat formation with community needs and ambitions. He chastised the previous administration for arbitrarily declaring certain communities as Gram Panchayats while ignoring community choices and needs.
The inaugural event saw the opening of the Anganwadi building in Gunjal Pahad hamlet, which was funded by the government. MLA Shankar demonstrated his dedication to community development by inaugurating Anganwadi buildings in Mondoni Rai Thanda hamlet, Farooq Nagar Mandal, and Gunjalapadu, Chowderyguda Mandal.
MLA Shankar emphasized democratic values, highlighting the government’s role in collaborating with citizens to meet their needs. He argued that the Congress government, under which he works, is a democratic organization that responds to residents’ concerns and desires.
Zilla Parishad Chairperson Thigala Anita Reddy echoed the sentiment, highlighting the government’s commitment to the well-being of women and children. She asked Child Welfare Department staff to work tirelessly to provide nutritious food to women, emphasizing the importance of community-based projects.
ZPTC Venkatarami Reddy, local MPTCs, sarpanches, and other community leaders attended the inaugural ceremony, which highlighted the region’s collaborative efforts to improve community welfare.