MLC Challa Venktramireddy, along with MLA Vijayudu, attended various development programs in Alampur Constituency. They inspected the ongoing development works at Alampur Temple under the PRASAD scheme and instructed officials to complete the pending works for the devotees.
Later, they visited a Montessori school and paid tribute to the statue of Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose on his 127th birth anniversary. They also participated in the Kavi Sammelanam organized by illuri Venkataramaih Shetty.
Furthermore, MLC Challa Venktramireddy inaugurated a building for the Grama Panchayat bhavan in Kalukuntla village of Manopad mandal. Several BRS party leaders, including Sarpanch Atma linga Reddy, MPP Ashok, PACS chairmen Sridhar Reddy and Anjaneyulu Goud, also participated in the event.