Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently held a series of meetings in Dubai with top global city planners. The focus of these meetings was on developing the 56-kilometer long Musi river front and green urban spaces. These meetings were an extension of previous meetings with over 70 major global design, planning, and architecture firms.
During the meetings, the global firms showcased their expertise in urban planning and related areas. They presented projects from Europe, the Middle East, and other major cities around the world. Officials stated that almost all the firms expressed interest in partnering with Telangana, particularly the capital city of Hyderabad. They will be visiting Telangana in the near future for further consultations.
Revanth Reddy, welcoming the international firms to Hyderabad, emphasized the importance of water bodies in defining cities. He mentioned that once the Musi river is rejuvenated, Hyderabad will be a unique city defined by a river and several major lakes. He urged the firms to develop early plan prototypes and set a benchmark against global standards.
The consultations in Dubai will continue until late Sunday night before the Chief Minister-led delegation returns to Hyderabad. The meetings were attended by Principal Secretary to CM V Sheshadri, Special Secretary to CM B Ajith Reddy, MA&UD Principal Secretary Dana Kishore, MD Musi River Development Corporation Amrapali Katta, and others.
Previously, during his visit to London, CM Revanth Reddy also inquired about the management and development of the Thames riverfront project. He held discussions with officials and experts from the Thames River Governing Council and Port of London Authority. These experts have assured their support for efforts to revive the Musi River in Hyderabad.