The Mahbubnagar Parliament Constituency election campaign began with a spiritual ceremony at Chaudammgutta Hanuman Temple. Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar, CWC members Vamsi Chand Reddy, Devarakadra MLA G Madhusudan Reddy, and prominent Congress leaders from the Shadnagar Constituency participated in a special pooja program.
The service, which marked the beginning of the election campaign, gathered together significant political figures to pray for heavenly blessings on a successful and harmonious electoral process. Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar expressed his excitement about the upcoming campaign, emphasizing the importance of unity and effort within the Congress party.
CWC members Vamsi Chand Reddy and Devarakadra MLA G Madhusudan Reddy made similar remarks, highlighting the significance of a well-organized and energetic election campaign. The participation of Shadnagar Constituency Congress officials increased local support and enthusiasm for the event, setting a positive tone for the days ahead.