A big theft happened in Visakhapatnam. The incident took place in Vegi Vari Street, under the Pendurthi police station limits. The thieves stole 100 grams of gold and Rs 50,000 in cash from a house. The owner of the house, Lanka Aruna, was away attending a birthday party in Araku when the robbery happened. The unidentified robbers broke into the house and took the gold and cash. Lanka Aruna reported the theft to the Pendurthi police, who have registered a case and are now searching for the culprits. To aid in the investigation, the police have stationed a clues team at Lanka Aruna’s house. It is suspected that the thieves spent around two hours inside the house.
Burglars Make Off with 100 Grams of Gold and Cash from Secured Residence in Pendurthi
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