The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has received the Swachh Survekshan Award for the year 2023. They were given a five-star rating in the ‘All India Clean City’ category and ranked ninth in the 2023 Swachh Survekshan. The award was presented by Union Cabinet Minister Hardeep Singh Puri in New Delhi. GHMC Commissioner D Ronald Rose, Additional Commissioner R Upender Reddy, project manager SBM Soma Bharath, and Sanitary Field Assistant Manjula received the award.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) conducted national level sanitation challenges such as Swachh Survekshan and Garbage Free City (GFC) Star Rating from January 2023 to January 2024. The aim was to improve overall sanitation and increase citizen awareness about waste management in all cities and towns in the country.
On January 4, the winners of these challenges were announced by MoHUA and were honored during the Swachh Survekshan 2023 award ceremony. Hyderabad received five awards, including being the ninth cleanest city in India, having a five-star rated GFC in India, being the cleanest city in Telangana, being the first five-star rated city in Telangana with a population over one lakh, and being re-certified as a water+ city.
Four awards were also given to ULBs in Telangana under the national level challenge. GHMC was awarded for being the cleanest city (ninth rank) with a population over one lakh and for being the cleanest city in Telangana. Gundlapochampally was recognized as the cleanest city with a population less than one lakh in the South zone. Nizampet was the cleanest city with a population between 25,000 – 50,000 in the South zone, and Siddipet was the cleanest city with a population between 50,000 – 1,00,000 in the South zone.
These ULBs were assessed based on 90 parameters, including solid waste management, litter-free commercial areas, community-level composting, access to toilets, maintenance of PT/CTs, liquid waste management, citizen awareness, citizen engagement, and innovations.