Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy got emotional during his speech in Khammam district. He was participating in various programs in Palair constituency and Khammam city. At the ‘Athmeeya Sammelanam’ program organized by Right Choice Academy, he gave an impressive speech that received a lot of applause from his followers. During his speech, he became emotional and paused for a moment. He then continued and passionately said that those who face difficulties bravely will find happiness in their lives, using himself as an example. He shared his journey in politics and business with the unemployed youth who were present.
He also mentioned how the previous government subjected him and those who believed in him to many problems and insults. Last year, he strongly criticized the policies of the previous government and expressed his frustration over the harassment he faced, which eventually led to his suspension from the party. The minister highlighted the discrimination faced by unemployed youth under the previous government and assured them that the Congress government would create two lakh jobs this year. He mentioned the steps taken to clean up the TSPSC and urged the youth to work hard for a better future.
He also promised to bring back ‘Indiramma Rajyam’ and fully implement the six guarantee schemes in the state. He accused the previous government of fraud in the construction of irrigation projects and prioritizing their own interests over the welfare of the people.