Hyderabad: Minister Ponnam Prabhakar responded to the Charminar Express train accident at Nampally Railway Station. The Minister explained that the bogies of Charminar Express hit the side wall and derailed, but luckily a major accident was avoided because the rails were slightly tilted. As the in-charge minister of Hyderabad district, he inquired about the causes of the incident with the authorities.
Minister Ponnam Prabhakar ordered the district administration to be alert and take immediate relief measures. He also directed officials to provide proper treatment to the injured passengers.
In an unfortunate incident, Charminar Express derailed at Nampally railway station in Hyderabad while arriving at the platform. Officials disclosed that three bogies, including the engine, derailed. It is believed that the train engine collided with the side wall of the platform. Ten passengers suffered minor injuries, and the extent of property damage is still unknown.
Officials explained that other trains traveling from Nampally may experience delays due to the derailment on the station platform. Efforts are underway to get the AC bogies and engine back on track.