Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to visit Telangana later this month to inaugurate the NTPC power project, which cost Rs 10,000 crore. Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, who is also the Telangana state BJP chief, shared this information with the media. During his visit, the Prime Minister will also dedicate various projects related to national highways, civil aviation, and health.
Kishan Reddy addressed the media after a preparatory meeting for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He mentioned that the Prime Minister’s schedule is yet to be finalized. The meeting was a follow-up to a previous meeting held with Union Minister Amit Shah. The state unit has devised an action plan to maximize the number of LS seats won by the BJP in Telangana. They reviewed the voting patterns during the Assembly elections and outlined strategies to prepare the party members for the general elections.
Kishan Reddy stated that 90% of the youth in the country want Modi to be re-elected, and the party will focus on engaging young people at the village and mandal level. They will organize programs to achieve this objective. Additionally, 17 individuals have been appointed as in-charges for different parliamentary constituencies. Parliament conveners and organization in-charges will be announced in the next two days.
The BJP will begin its election campaign with the slogan ‘Teesri Bar Modi Sarkar’ (Third Time Modi Government). Kishan Reddy believes that the main competition in the Lok Sabha elections will be between the BJP and the Congress, with other parties not playing a significant role.
In response to a call made by PM Modi and the Rama Tirtha Kshetra Trust in Ayodhya, the BJP has decided to observe Swachh Abhiyan in all temples from Sankrathi to January 22. This initiative will culminate with the Prana Prastishta ceremony at the Grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. The program will be broadcast live in 150 countries, including at Times Square in New York and all villages in India.