The Telangana High Court moving to Budvel has disappointed scientists and researchers from the PJTSAU in Rajendranagar. The high court will be located on a 100-acre site, which includes about 35-40 acres of land that originally belonged to the PJTSAU. This area is important for agricultural biodiversity research and education.
The park where the high court will be located is spread over 130 acres, with around 65-70 acres occupied by Mulagund lake. The remaining land was developed in 2008 as part of a project by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the State government. The project aimed to establish sustainable agroforestry models for the benefit of farmers and industry.
V Vasudeva Rao, a retired professor from the university, explained that the location has played a significant role in supporting agricultural crops, including the popular Telangana Sona Masoori rice variety. It has also been crucial for preserving gene reserves and has been a valuable resource for researchers. The project has been running for almost two decades.
The land is divided into different blocks with various species of plants, including trees, herbs, shrubs, climbers, palms, and grasses. The campus is also home to a diverse range of animal species, including invertebrates, birds, herpetofauna, and mammals.
There are several popular flora and medicinal plants in the area, including Maredu, OdugaChettu, Rela, ErraChandaram, Chintha, Tella Maddi, Pala Kodisha, VeluthurChettu, Gorintaku, Vavilli, and Mandra Kappa Kaya.
The campus is also home to endangered plant species like Ceropegiabulbosa var. lushii and Ashoka (Saraca Asoka). Threatened faunal species like Red Sanboa, darter, and pallid harrier have also been found here.