Mangalya Shopping Mall in Hyderabad has redefined the shopping experience, according to popular actress Rashi Khanna. She spoke to the media after the mall’s inauguration and mentioned that Mangalya is the ultimate destination for wedding and celebration shopping.
The chairman of Mangalya chain shops, Kasam Namashivaya, stated that they offer a wide range of clothes for all types of occasions. The Hasthinapur mall is their 18th store in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. On this special occasion, BN Reddy Corporator M Lachi Reddy and Kamala, the wife of LB Nagar MLA Devisreddy Sudheer Reddy, extended their greetings to the management. Other attendees included Mangalya Directors Kasam Mallikarjun, Kasam Namashivaya, Kasam Kedari, Kasam Siva Prasad, Pulluru Arun, Kasam Pranith, T Karthik Arun, Varun, and Vishal.