Around 6,000 Gujaratis from Telangana participated in a series of events during the unveiling ceremony of Gujarati Ekta Mahotsav (GEM)-24. One of the main activities was the ‘Gujarati Gaurav Yatra’, a huge rally that included vintage cars, bikes, and bikers on two-wheelers. The event also featured a carnival walk and a series of tableau.
The GEM-24 started on Sunday and will last until April 21. It is a four-month-long event that will include various activities such as the Chetan Bhoghani T-20 cricket tournament, chawda and parekh women’s box cricket, Patel and Gandhi Garba Raas Ni Rumjhat, Telangana Gujarati kids fashion show, and Miss and Mrs Telangana Gujarati. A member of Telangana Gujarati Samaj provided this information.