Shilparamam is bringing back its popular Gandhi Shilpa Bazaar National along with Sankranthi Sambaralu from January 8 to 17. This fair aims to promote and support the handloom and handicrafts industry. The event will showcase a wide range of craft items such as folk paintings, hand-printed dress materials and sarees, Bidri art, bamboo and cane products, tie & dye, lace work, Bastar iron craft, zari zardozi, Patti, silver filigree, toys, dry flowers, and many other handicrafts. The fair will be held at Shilparamam Madhapur and Uppal.
In addition to the craft fair, Shilparamam is also organizing cultural performances such as Gangireddulu, Haridasulu Budabukkalu, and Jangamadevarulu from January 13 to 17. These performances will create a beautiful village atmosphere. On January 14, as part of the Bhogi festival, Shilparamam will also organize Bhogi palla utsavam for children.