The Hyderabad City Police has arrested three people, including two women, who provided bank accounts to a gang of e-fraudsters based in Dubai. These fraudsters tricked people through online trading. The arrested individuals are Ronak Tanna from Goa, and Judith Gonsalves and Sana Mohammed Qureshi from Mumbai.
According to Hyderabad Police Commissioner K Sreenivasa Reddy, the three arrested individuals helped the fraudsters by supplying bank accounts. They earned a commission of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2 lakh for their involvement. The fraudsters in Dubai used these accounts to deceive victims and collect money under the guise of online trading. The accused provided a total of 95 bank accounts, most of which were only used once or twice.
The fraud network was uncovered after one man lost Rs. 3.16 crore to them. A total of 83 cases have been registered against this network throughout the country. The Commissioner stated that a thorough investigation will be conducted to determine the involvement of other individuals in the fraud and to track where the illegally obtained money was used.
The Commissioner also urged the public to be cautious and not trust messages about online trading from unknown numbers. He warned against falling victim to these trading fraud networks.