Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has released Rs 97.76 crore to help 68,990 people who missed out on financial assistance from various welfare schemes in Andhra Pradesh. The money will be directly deposited into their bank accounts. The beneficiaries were identified under schemes such as YSR EBC Nestham, Jagananna Amma Vodi, YSR Nethanna Nestham, YSR Kapu Nestham, YSR Vahana Mitra, Jagananna Chedodu, YSR Kalyanamasthu-Shadi Tohfa, and YSR Matsyakara Bharosa.
The Chief Minister made the announcement virtually from his office. He mentioned that the government has made efforts to ensure that all those who missed out on welfare benefits are included by conducting bi-annual exercises for verification. So far, the government has spent a total of Rs 1,744.76 crore on providing financial assistance to those who were left out.
In the past 55 months, the state government has spent an impressive Rs 2,46,551 crore on eligible beneficiaries through various welfare schemes. Additionally, the government has also added 1,17,161 beneficiaries to the social pensioners list, issued Aarogyasri health cards to 6,314 new beneficiaries, provided new rice cards to 1,11,321 individuals, and granted house site pattas to 34,623 more beneficiaries.
Several officials including Education Minister B Satyanarayana and Municipal Administration Minister A Suresh were present during the virtual release of funds.