Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy questioned the state government’s request for people to submit fresh applications to extend its six guarantees. He expressed concerns that the government was causing inconvenience to the poor by making them go through the process of getting certificates and submitting applications. Reddy also doubted the government’s intentions, suggesting that the application submission process could be a tactic to delay implementing promised schemes until the parliamentary elections.
Reddy pointed out that the government already has access to all the necessary data, such as information on ration cards, participants in the Telangana agitation, and women self-help groups. He questioned why the government was asking people to submit additional documents when it already had this information. He also raised concerns about the lack of clarity regarding certain schemes, including whether the Mahalakshmi scheme only applies to below poverty line (BPL) women or all women in the state.
In response to Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy’s statement that “Modi medicine has expired,” Kishan Reddy defended Prime Minister Narendra Modi and criticized Rahul Gandhi’s leadership. He also addressed personal allegations made against him by the Chief Minister, stating that he had only made constructive suggestions as the State chief of an Opposition party. Kishan Reddy condemned the personal attacks and questioned the CM’s motives behind certain decisions, such as the Kaleswaram Lift Irrigation Project corruption and the Pharma City issue.
Lastly, Kishan Reddy criticized the Congress party for calling the Prime Minister a “decoit” and claimed that they had looted a significant amount of money during their time in power. He dismissed the relevance of the BRS party in Telangana and stated that votes cast for them would be wasted.