National BJP general secretary and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar stated that the upcoming general elections will primarily be a contest between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. Speaking at a party meeting in his home constituency, he claimed that the majority of people in the country are in favor of Modi, with 80% wanting him to serve a third term as the Prime Minister. Bandi predicted that the BJP would win 350 seats on its own, while the NDA alliance would secure 400 seats. In Telangana, he believed that the electoral battle would be between the BJP and Congress, with the BRS party likely to fall to third place.
Bandi expressed confidence in the party’s ability to win 8-12 Lok Sabha seats. He argued that voting for the pink party (referring to another political party) would be futile, while electing BJP MPs would bring additional funds from the central government to develop Telangana. He urged party members to raise awareness among the public about these facts and emphasized the importance of supporting BJP candidates.
The MP highlighted the precarious financial situation in Telangana, stating that even paying government staff salaries was becoming difficult. This situation, according to Bandi, made it challenging for Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy to fulfill the six guarantees promised in the manifesto. He criticized the CM’s ability to implement these promises and suggested that the government could face trouble after the elections.
Given this context, Bandi urged party activists to emphasize to the public that voting for the BJP would help improve the state’s finances.