Municipal chairman Gattu Yadav from Wanaparthy is being accused of taking money from small-time businessmen. These businessmen were forced to leave Rajiv Gandhi Square nine months ago but were recently told by Yadav that they could resume their activities there. Allegedly, Yadav collected Rs 50,000 from each of them without providing any receipts.
When the Congress party leaders found out about this, councilors from the party visited Rajiv Gandhi Square to investigate. The businessmen confirmed that they did not receive any receipts for their payments to Yadav. The councilors called for an investigation and requested a permanent complex for the small businessmen in the town.
Present at the scene were Wanaparthy constituency Congress coordinator Lakkakula Satish, Wanaparthy town Congress president Chirla Chander, councilors B Venkateshwarlu Chirla, Satyam Vibhudi, Narayana, Lakshmi Ravi Yadav, Jayasudha, Madhu Goud, former Councilor Krishna Babu, Youth Congress district social media convener Chandramouli, and others.