The police in Kothagudem district seized 120 kg of ganja worth Rs 30 lakh on Monday. The Tekulapalli Police, led by Sub Inspector Ramana Reddy, were conducting routine vehicle checks when they noticed a person acting suspiciously. The person fled when he saw the police, leaving behind a truck with the number KA 38A3677.
Upon closer inspection of the vehicle, the police discovered three iron almirahs built into its body, and behind one of them, they found packets of ganja. The truck was registered in the name of Mohammed Shakeel Pasha from Bidar, but Pasha claimed that he had rented it out to Mazhar a few days ago. The police have formed a team to apprehend the driver who fled the scene.
The Kothagudem district SP, Dr G Vineeth, has assured that they are taking all necessary measures to prevent the smuggling of ganja and drugs into the state. Checkpoints have been set up at inter-state borders to monitor illegal activities around the clock.