Former Vice President of India, M Venkaiah Naidu, attended a performance by Kuchipudi dancer Sridha Varaali Chadalavada at the Brahmakumaris Shanti Sarovar Auditorium in Gachibowli. Naidu expressed his belief that traditional arts of classical dance and music are India’s most valuable gifts to the world. He also suggested that children should be encouraged to learn Indian ancient arts alongside their education. Telangana Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao and Andhra Pradesh MP Raghu Rama Krishna Raju also spoke at the event.
Sridha Varaali Chadalavada started her performance with a song seeking the blessings of Lord Vinayaka. Her Kuchipudi dance captivated the audience, making her the youngest ever dancer to perform a Kuchipudi Arangetram. She was applauded by her trainer, Kalaratna AB Bala Kondal Rao. The event was also attended by notable personalities such as Dr Ramineni Foundation Chairman Dharmapracharak Ramineni, Convenor Pathuri Nagabhushanam, Dr Satish Reddy, former Chairman of DRDO, former Central Vigilance Commissioner K V Chowdary, and film choreographer KV Satyanarayana.