The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has suspended two discounted tickets within the suburban limits of Hyderabad starting from January 1, 2024. This decision was made due to the increased number of passengers as a result of free rides for women under the Mahalakshmi scheme.
TSRTC Managing Director V C Sajjanar announced that the Family-24 and T-6 tickets will no longer be issued starting from tomorrow. This is because issuing these tickets requires conductors to check passengers’ identity cards and enter their age, which is causing delays and increasing journey times. In order to avoid inconvenience, the organization has decided to suspend these tickets.
The new Congress government in Telangana implemented the Mahalakshmi scheme on December 9, offering free travel for women in TSRTC buses throughout the state. Women can travel for free in Palle Velugu and Express buses in districts, as well as City Ordinary and Metro Express buses within the limits of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC).
Previously, the TSRTC introduced the T-6 and Family-24 tickets in March to provide affordable and convenient travel options within Hyderabad. The T-6 ticket, available for women and senior citizens, offered discounted travel between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on City Ordinary and Metro Express buses within the suburban limits of Hyderabad. The price of this ticket was Rs 50, significantly lower than regular fare rates.
On the other hand, the F-24 ticket was designed for groups of family and friends who wanted to travel together. Priced at Rs 300, it allowed up to four people to travel on City Ordinary and Metro Express buses for 24 hours from the time of purchase, specifically on weekends and public holidays within the suburban limits of Hyderabad.