Hyderabad: Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has taken action against private universities that are not implementing SC and ST reservations. He has also ordered an investigation into the misuse of funds in the previous government’s “Mana Vuru, Mana Badi” program. The Chief Minister expressed concern that funds were misused in the program, which received funding from the Centre through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).
The Chief Minister stated that private universities are operating without following SC and ST reservation policies, which violates the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. He has ordered a comprehensive investigation into the implementation of guidelines by private universities in the state. If necessary, the government is prepared to introduce a new act to enforce SC and ST reservations in private universities.
Officials have been instructed to submit a detailed report on permissions, guidelines, facilities, number of students, fees structure, fee reimbursement, teaching staff, and non-teaching staff in private universities. They have also been asked to assess the quality of education, availability of basic facilities, and qualification of staff in these universities.
A separate report will be prepared on the land registered for house plots shown in Dharani and the permission granted for running private universities. The Chief Minister expressed concern over granting permission to universities on disputed lands registered as house plots. Students faced difficulties in the last academic year due to universities admitting them without obtaining the required permissions.
In summary, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has taken action against private universities for not implementing SC and ST reservations. An investigation will be conducted into the misuse of funds in the previous government’s program. The Chief Minister has also ordered a comprehensive probe into the implementation of guidelines by private universities. Reports will be prepared on various aspects such as permissions, facilities, staff qualifications, and quality of education.