Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar expressed dissatisfaction with the conditions of Jahangir Peer Dargah. He called out the lack of progress on the previously sanctioned Rs 50 crore fund for the Dargah’s master plan and demanded a detailed report on its usage. Shankar was joined by former ZPTC Shyamsunder Reddy, minority leaders Mohammad Ali Khan Babar and Ibrahim, and other local dignitaries. They highlighted the neglect of the Dargah by previous administrations.
During the inspection, concerns were raised about the inadequate facilities for devotees, despite the collection of crores of rupees. The MLA criticized the previous government for failing to provide basic amenities and inciting discord between communities.
ZPTC Reddy also emphasized the need for disciplined maintenance of the Dargah. He urged locals to engage constructively with authorities instead of seeking media attention. The visit concluded with special prayers, with several community leaders joining the MLA.