The support price for the Kharif season in Telangana has been reduced by Rs 100 out of Rs 7,020. This is concerning because cotton farmers are already suffering from low yield and prices. A delegation from the Telangana Rythu Sangam visited the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) purchase centers in Khammam district and inspected the cotton stored at farmers’ houses. They believe that the price of cotton per quintal in the open market should be Rs 13,000, but banners at the CCI buying centers indicate that it will be less than Rs 7,000 in the next two agricultural seasons.
The farmers argue that this is causing more harm to them and accuse the central government of favoring foreign imports over domestic cotton. They explain that the cotton yields have decreased significantly due to unseasonal and heavy rains as well as attacks from cotton bugs. This has put the farmers in a difficult situation. Additionally, those who have not registered online with the CCI buying centers are facing difficulties in selling their cotton.