In Nalgonda, a tragic incident occurred where a family faced two separate accidents, resulting in the death of five family members. The incident took place in Miryalaguda on Monday morning. It all started when Kesavulu, a 28-year-old man from Nimmanayak Thanda, met with a road accident while traveling from Miryalaguda to Peddavoor. Unfortunately, both Kesavulu and an elderly man named Saidulu lost their lives in this accident.
Upon hearing the devastating news of Kesavulu’s death, his family members were overcome with grief. Seven members of Kesavulu’s family decided to visit the accident site using a Tata Ace vehicle. However, tragedy struck again as an oil tanker collided with their vehicle just minutes away from the incident location. As a result, Ramawat Ganya (40), Nagaraju (28), Pandya (40), and Bujji (38) lost their lives instantly. The police rushed the three seriously injured family members to Miryalaguda Hospital, where doctors classified their condition as critical.
The authorities are currently working on saving the injured family members’ lives while the community mourns the loss of five loved ones in these tragic accidents.