All preparations are being made for the celebrations of Datta Jayanti at Bardipur Sri Dattagiri Maharaj Ashram in Telangana. The event will take place on December 26, which is Margasira Poornami. On this day, Lord Sri Dattatreya’s birth anniversary will be celebrated. To mark the occasion, 108 Vairagya Shikhamani Avadhuta Giri Maharaj, Dr Siddeshwara Swamy, will conduct Sri Datta Yagnas with 21 yagna gundams from January 25 to 26. Additionally, Sri Chandi Homa will be performed for three days to promote the well-being of humanity.
Devotees from Medak district, Telangana, Karnataka, and Maharashtra are expected to attend the festival. To ensure their convenience, arrangements have been made for canopies, drinking water, food accommodation, and queue lines. Medical camps will also be set up for the devotees. Jharasangam SS Rajender Reddy will oversee elaborate security measures to ensure a safe and incident-free celebration.