On the death anniversary of former Union Minister Mallikarjun, Mahabubnagar MLA Yennam Srinivas Reddy paid tribute and announced plans to install a statue of Mallikarjun in Hyderabad. Mallikarjun was the first Union Minister from Palamuru and played a crucial role in the Telangana movement in 1969. The commemoration took place at the district headquarters with the presence of former MLA Gurunath Reddy, Mallikarjun’s wife Bhagyalakshmi, son Manu, and other leaders. Srinivas Reddy praised Mallikarjun’s dedication and highlighted his contributions as an MP and Union Minister. He specifically mentioned Mallikarjun’s impact on the development of Mahabubnagar railway. Gurunath Reddy also acknowledged Mallikarjun’s efforts for the district’s progress. Manu, Mallikarjun’s son, expressed the need for a statue in Hyderabad to honor his father’s legacy.
MLA promises to install Mallikarjun statue
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