Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy announced in the Assembly on Thursday that his government will order a judicial inquiry into power purchase agreements with Chhattisgarh and the alleged corruption in the construction of Bhadradri and Yadadri Thermal Power Plants. He said these projects used outdated technology, which goes against the Centre’s directive to use supercritical technology.
During a discussion on the power sector in the Assembly, the Chief Minister mentioned the significant delay in completing these two projects. They should have been finished within two years, but after seven years, they are still not ready. On the other hand, the KTPS power project, which used supercritical technology, became operational in a short time.
Revanth Reddy stated that his government will establish an all-party fact-finding committee to investigate the 24-hour free power supply initiative of the previous government. He also mentioned that the power purchase agreement of 1000 MW from Chhattisgarh will be probed for negligence and corruption. Additionally, he highlighted instances where objections were disregarded and officials faced consequences for speaking out against the government’s decisions.
Jagadish Reddy, a legislator, tried to dismiss these allegations by stating that the previous government increased power capacity and created assets. However, Revanth Reddy accepted the challenge and announced that a probe will be ordered to investigate these claims.
Furthermore, Siddipet, Gajwel, and Hyderabad (South) were identified as areas with high transmission loss and outstanding dues. AIMIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi spoke in support of the previous government, prompting the Chief Minister to question his motives. Revanth Reddy added a statement about distinguishing between good and bad friends.