Andhra Pradesh Tourism Minister, Roja Selvamani, dressed up as Santa Claus and surprised Nagaraju, a footwear seller in Vijayawada’s Vambay Colony. Roja Selvamani decided to surprise Nagaraju’s family on his birthday after receiving a tweet from a video journalist, Mohanraj Pilla. She offered assistance to his family and made the birthday celebrations of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy special.
Nagaraju, who had been depressed due to health issues following his wife’s kidney surgery, received a visit from Roja Selvamani dressed as Santa Claus. She presented his two daughters with chocolates, biscuits, and cake. Additionally, she offered Rs. 2 lakh to Nagaraju to start a business. Roja promised to provide assistance whenever needed and encouraged them to reach out to her in the future without any hesitation. She was inspired by Nagaraju’s life story and wanted to support his family because she saw his desire to provide a better life for his children.
Roja Selvamani has previously helped people on Chief Minister YS Jagan’s birthday. She has adopted a village in his constituency and is also funding the studies of an MBBS student.