On Orphan Elderly Care Day, a grand celebration was organized by the administrators at the Bala Vikasa office in Jammikunta. The celebration aimed to provide essential commodities to 42 orphaned elderly people from Jammikunta, Ellanthakunta, and Veenavanka mandals. These commodities included trunk boxes, blankets, clothes, towels, soaps, oil packets, pulses, and fruits.
During the event, Jammikunta MPP Doddi Mamata, senior Congress leader Ponaganti Mallaiah, TGPA state president, Nandi awardee, and social activist Ambala Prabhakar congratulated Bala Vikasa organization for their support towards the orphaned elderly. They appreciated the organization for their ten years of service in supporting orphan children, orphaned elderly, and widows in various ways. Bala Vikasa also received credit for setting up mineral water plants in areas affected by fluoride and for addressing water problems in impoverished streets.
A woman named Arelli displayed her humanity by generously giving Rs 5,000 to the orphan elderly using her hard-earned money as a social responsibility. She was honored and appreciated by the guests at the event. TGPA State vice president, State Fact Finding Committee Convener, Joint Karimnagar district in-charge Dara Madhu, Komala, Rajitha, Bala Vikasa Center manager Pabbu Sulochana, Coordinator K Sumalatha, T Sandhya, and Sarala also participated in the program.