Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has accused the BRS government of misleading the public about their irrigation projects. He claims that while they said they were spending Rs 80,000 crore on these projects, they actually took loans of over Rs 95,000 crore. During a discussion in the Assembly on Telangana State Finances, Revanth Reddy pointed out that important portfolios like irrigation were held by K Chandrashekar Rao’s family. He demanded answers from the BRS member regarding the estimates and sanctions for these loans.
Revanth Reddy also criticized the previous government for taking loans under the pretense of collecting money from the people. He questioned whether the people of the State were not receiving drinking water before the BRS government came into power. He accused them of giving false information and stated that they are claiming to provide free water while also planning to collect Rs 5,706 crore annually from Mission Bhagiratha.
In conclusion, Revanth Reddy alleges that the BRS government has taken loans based on incorrect information and has been misleading the public about their irrigation projects.