Former mayor Sardar Ravinder Singh spoke to the press in Karimnagar on Wednesday, alleging that there was corruption of Rs 130 crore in the Karimnagar Smart City works. Despite lodging complaints with higher authorities, no action has been taken.
Singh explained that a special meeting was held with 80,000 people from the city to discuss the works that would be carried out using the funds of the Smart City. However, the officials initiated the works against public opinion and contrary to the rules. During the Covid pandemic, a large amount of inferior sand was brought from Chegurthi, resulting in shoddy work. The government has not been paid bills amounting to Rs 36 crore. As a result, all the roads have been damaged and had to be repaired multiple times.
Furthermore, the Smart City officials have been carrying out works outside the designated areas identified under Area Base Development. They have even laid roads in areas where layouts were made without permission, which is against the rules.
Singh also pointed out that roads were being built overnight with advance bills being drawn. Additionally, roads were constructed without proper drainage systems, such as in the alley next to the Shwetha Hotel.
In light of these allegations, Singh demanded that the files related to the Smart City be seized immediately and that the officials responsible be suspended. The meeting was attended by leaders Gunjapadugu Hariprasad, Endyala Mahesh, Kemasaram Tirupati, and others.