The police in Hyderabad have arrested Pallavi Prashanth, the winner of Bigg Boss season 7, at his home in Kolgur, Gajwel mandal. The Jubilee Hills police have charged Prashanth with creating problems near Annapurna Studios after his victory was announced on Monday night. Prashanth has been brought to the city for further action.
After Prashanth’s win was announced, his supporters caused chaos at the studio. They reportedly damaged vehicles passing by, including cars belonging to the runner-up Amardeep and former contestants Ashwini and Geetu Royal, as well as RTC buses.
Ashwini and Geetu filed complaints at the Jubilee Hills police station, and TSRTC MD VC Sajjanar also condemned the attackers. He tagged the makers of Bigg Boss Telugu and its host Nagarjuna on social media, informing them about the incident where buses belonging to Krishnanagar Annapurna Studio were attacked on Sunday night. Six buses were damaged in the attack, and RTC officials filed a complaint at the Jubilee Hills police station.