The Chief Minister of Telangana, A Revanth Reddy, visited New Delhi and had a meeting to discuss the division of assets between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. During the meeting, it was decided that a new Telangana Bhavan will be built in the national capital. The new building will reflect the cultural traditions of Telangana and will be constructed on 8.245 acres of land given to the state.
Previously, there was a total of 19.78 acres of undivided land in the Andhra Pradesh Bhavan campus. This included buildings such as Sabari Block, internal roads, Godavari Block, Old Nursing Hostel, and Pataudi House. The Chief Minister asked the officials to speed up the process of dividing these assets between the two states.
The Chief Minister also inquired about the condition of the buildings and the residences of officers and staff. Most of the buildings were found to be in a dilapidated condition and repairs were already underway.
In addition to this, the Chief Minister moved into his official residence at 23 Tughlaq Road in New Delhi. This house was previously allotted to the former Chief Minister, K Chandrasekhar Rao. Necessary repairs and changes have been made to the house.
Overall, the Chief Minister had a productive meeting with officials in New Delhi and progress is being made on the division of assets between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.