The blame game between the Congress and the BRS continues over the transfer of seven mandals from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh. B Vinod Kumar, a senior leader of the BRS, stated that his party has always fought against injustice in the state. He held a press conference with former MLC M Srinivas Reddy and former Telangana State Tourism Development Corporation Chairman G Srinivas Yadav in Hyderabad.
Vinod Kumar highlighted the history of the formation of Telangana. He mentioned that after the state was formed, elections were held and oaths were taken on May 29, 2014. During the first cabinet meeting, the Centre issued an ordinance. Vinod Kumar showed videos of his speeches made in Parliament.
According to Vinod Kumar, the state division cannot be done through an ordinance. He believes that the Centre should seek the opinion of the State Assembly before changing boundaries. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ordinance went against the spirit of the constitution and changed the boundaries. Vinod Kumar also mentioned that Chandrababu Naidu, the Telugu Desam supremo, had stated that he would take oath only after the merger of the seven mandals. The merger also led to the transfer of Siler Power station. Vinod Kumar expressed his opposition to Modi’s actions and emphasized that the BJP government went against the construction spirit.
Vinod Kumar accused the Congress of colluding with the BJP and causing great injustice to Telangana by transferring the Siler Power project. He challenged Jeevan Reddy to withdraw his words because he remained silent at that time. Vinod Kumar highlighted that BRS has always fought against injustice in Telangana. He also questioned the actions of the four BJP leaders who won as MPs for the state.