With just over 100 days left for the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP and INDIA bloc are preparing for the general elections. The INDIA bloc is scheduled to meet on Tuesday and the Congress Working Committee will meet on December 21 to plan for the elections and launch their campaign. Rahul Gandhi is considering another yatra from East to West. The CWC will also review the reasons for their losses in recent Assembly elections.
The Congress is focusing on unemployment, the recent attack on Parliament, and rising prices as their main issues. However, the key question is whether the INDIA bloc will come to an understanding and agree on seat sharing. In Punjab, the state Congress is not willing to align with AAP, even if the AICC wants it. In Delhi, seat sharing between AAP and Congress is also a contentious issue.
In West Bengal, TMC is expected to win over 20 out of the total 42 seats on its own. The BJP claims they will win around 17 seats. The question is how many seats Mamata Didi will leave for Congress and CPM.
If the INDIA alliance partners lose the seats that Mamata would share with them, it could be a setback for her and the opposition. The situation in Uttar Pradesh is uncertain, as the Samajwadi Party may seek revenge for being ditched by Congress in the MP assembly elections. Pollsters predict that the INDIA bloc may only win single-digit seats. In Maharashtra, regional parties are stronger than BJP and INDIA bloc. BJP’s chances in Tamil Nadu and Kerala are also uncertain. In Andhra Pradesh, BJP is uncertain due to high anti-incumbency against YSRCP.
Overall, the upcoming Lok Sabha elections present various challenges and uncertainties for political parties across different states.