Hyderabad: Tummala Nageswara Rao has taken charge as the Minister for Agriculture, Cooperation, Marketing, Handlooms & Textiles at the Secretariat in Hyderabad. In celebration of this occasion, the Minister has signed three files.
The first file approves the establishment of five oil palm processing mills. This project aims to promote oil palm cultivation in the State and provide buyback arrangements for oil palm farmers. The financial outlay for this initiative is Rs1,050 crores.
The second file is related to the establishment of a video conference system in 110 Rythuvedikas. This will be done in phases and is estimated to cost Rs. 4.07 crores. The purpose of this system is to create a digital platform for farmers to directly interact with scientists, share knowledge, and exchange experiences on new technologies.
The third approval is for the computerization of all activities in the Commissioner of Co-operation and Registrar of Cooperative societies, as well as other district cooperative offices in Telangana State. This will ensure transparency and a hassle-free system in the Cooperative department.
Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka, Secretary of Agriculture department Raghunandan Rao, Director Gopi, Commissioner of Horticulture department Hanumantha Rao, and senior officials from Marketing, Handlooms & Textiles, along with supporters, have congratulated Tummala Nageswara Rao on his assumption of the Minister position and extended their best wishes to him.