Former Telangana Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao is expected to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. He had been admitted to a private hospital in the city and underwent surgery for a broken hip bone. The doctors have decided to send him home tomorrow and he will be going to his old residence in Nandininagar of Banjara Hills.
After the Telangana election results, KCR moved directly from Pragathi Bhavan to Erravalli Farmhouse. Last Thursday night, he slipped and fell in the bathroom, resulting in a broken hip bone. His family members immediately took him to Somajiguda Yashoda Hospital in the city where he underwent tests confirming the fracture. The surgery was successful and he has been recovering since then.
A team of doctors who examined KCR’s health condition has announced that he will be discharged tomorrow. They estimate that it will take 6-8 weeks for him to fully recover. Meanwhile, his staff has already made security arrangements at his house in Nandininagar.