Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has taken over the office of the finance, power, and planning ministries in Hyderabad. The ceremony was accompanied by Vedic hymns and blessings from Veda pandits at the Secretariat.
During the ceremony, the minister was welcomed by Ramakrishna Rao, the special chief secretary of finance, Sunil Sharma, the special chief secretary of Transco, and finance department secretaries Sridevi and Harita. They presented him with flower bouquets.
Several MLAs, including Ramdass Nayak, Adluri Laxman, Aadi Srinivas, Sanjiva Reddy, Beerla Ilaiah, Ragamayi, Malreddy Ranga Reddy, Nagaraju, and former electricity minister Mohammad Ali Shabbir, were also present.
Immediately after assuming his position as finance minister, Bhatti signed files relating to the release of funds for two out of the six guarantees promised by the Congress party during the elections. He released Rs. 374 crores to the TSRTC to support the Mahalaxmi scheme, which provides free travel to women in RTC buses. He also released Rs. 298 crores to the health department to provide treatment up to Rs.10 lakhs under Rajiv Arogya Sri. Additionally, he signed a file for the release of Rs. 996 crores as electricity subsidy.
Furthermore, Bhatti approved the release of Rs. 75 crore for the arrangements of the tribal festival-Sammakka Saralamma at Medaram in Mulugu district.
Upon arrival at his chambers, Vikramarka and his wife Nandini, along with their family members, were welcomed by Veda pandits with ‘poornakubham’.