Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari has instructed officials to ensure proper coordination and make elaborate arrangements for the visit of President of India Draupadi Murmu to Hyderabad. The President will visit Hyderabad on December 18 as part of her annual visit to the city, and will stay for five days before leaving on December 23.
In a meeting held at the Secretariat, the Chief Secretary took stock of the arrangements being made for the President’s visit. Various departments were directed to make foolproof arrangements as per the blue book. The Police department was told to provide adequate security, traffic management, and crowd control. Additionally, the health, R&B, municipal, energy, and other line departments were also instructed to make necessary arrangements.
The meeting was attended by DGP Ravi Gupta, Special Chief Secretary Sunil Sharma, Secretary GAD Seshadri, Secretary Health Rizvi, senior police officers, and senior officials from line departments.