A man named Ramati Sathyanarayana has been arrested by the police in Nagarkurnool for the murder of 11 people. He convinced these individuals that he could help them find hidden treasure in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. Sathyanarayana had been evading the police for a while but was finally caught and sent to jail.
The district police explained that Sathyanarayana would trick people by claiming he could find hidden treasure. He took advantage of their superstitious beliefs and used banamati and black magic. He also took money and assets from his victims.
Sathyanarayana is from Peddapur village in Nagarkurnool district but was living in the district headquarters. He would target vulnerable people who believed in superstitions and promised to find treasure for them. He would demand a large ransom or get assets registered in his name. He also claimed to have magical powers to cure snake bites and scorpion bites, which he inherited from his grandparents.
Sathyanarayana confessed to eight registered cases involving the murder of 11 people. The police will conduct further investigations with court permission to uncover more cases and crimes connected to him. There is also a pending court case regarding the alleged sale of the same plot of land to multiple parties by the culprit.
The police have seized evidence including toxic substances used in the murders, detonators, various leaves, five mobile phones belonging to the deceased victims, and eight other cell phones used by Sathyanarayana. He was arrested along with a getaway vehicle.
District Superintendent of Police Vaibhav Gaikwad led the investigation, working closely with DSP Mohan Kumar, CI Vishnuvardhan Reddy, SUB-Inspector Mahender, and other dedicated staff members.